How can I find the service that best fits my needs?
In the comparator you will find a number of tools and filters to adjust your search according to your needs. You can set a price range, type of service, to choose depending on the rating of other users and even totally personalize a service with the features you need.
Using these filters in the left panel you will get a list of services that best fit your needs. Finally you can sort by price, by type of service or features, using the drop-down menu at the top right side of the comparator.
At this point, you have only to choose the one that, for all the proposals best suited to your needs.
Does it have any additional cost using the comparator on prices shown?
Absolutely not. The prices shown are those that have been established for each funeral service independently. We do not increase in any way the price displayed, so that the use of the comparator is completely free for our users.
Why does not the name of funeral companies which provide the services appear?
Because funeral homes are able to post prices in the comparator below its usual offer, and in order to avoid that this may be a problem with the competition, name only be displayed once the request has sent.
We also believe that, in no case, it will affect the quality of the service, since the user not only has tools designed for this purpose, but also has accurate and detailed ratings from other users who have previously trust on these companies, as well as the decission once have spoken with the funeral home to accept or not the service.
Who do I pay the service I'm going to request?
In the case of accepting the service, this will be paid in full to the funeral company according to its own policy.
The role of Cofune in this commercial relationship is limited to providing services that best adjust to your needs as well as to contact both parties to facilitate the possible provision of the service.
How long does it take to call the funeral company which provide the service that I have chosen?
All funeral companies serving in the comparator have acquired commitment to attend any request as soon as possible. The call should be received minutes after the requested service.
It's been several hours since I made the request and I have not received call from the funeral company. What I do?
If after a reasonable time you have not received the call from the funeral to proceed with the service, we recommend you to request a new service to another company or contact our customer service to help to fix the problem.
Why the comparator shows no services for the city I want?
The comparator only shows services in those cities where there is a funeral company offering such services. Where the funeral companies activate or deactivate these services themselves according to their offer. It is for this reason that it could have been specific moments in which there weren't services available to a particular city.
What if the funeral company does not respect the prices and features offered?
By contract, all funeral companies have an obligation to respect both the prices and the characteristics of the services offered in the comparator. If for some exceptional reason this does not happen you. It is free to accept such service or not according to the new conditions posed by the funeral. In any case, please contact our customer service to notify the incident.
Funeral Companies
Who can publish their services in the comparator?
You can enjoy the advantages that appear in our comparator any funeral home or group of funeral companies located throughout the territory, prior acceptance of our general conditions.
What are the advantages for a funeral company or group to appear in the comparator?
Today internet is a great tool for attracting potential customers at a very low cost. Appearing in our comparator will clearly increase the options to provide funeral services in an alternative way to the traditional one, it will expand your action area and reach many more customers than by means of other methods. Moreover to your regular customers you will be able to add a large number of contracts in this way.
Who sets the prices and features of each service?
Prices and characteristics of funeral services are set by the funeral companies themselves unilateral basis, depending on their company policy. However, these prices may be subject to change automatically to match market conditions.
What tools do I have to manage my services?
From your control panel you can perform operations such as: create new services or manage services created, adjust your services including prices and their features, as well as activating authomatic systems that will allow you not to have to check your services once and another. You can also obtain detailed information about the services offered throughout the country or in a specific province, manage service requests, manage your account, and more...
Also, if you have any questions, you can use the help system you will find in your control panel or contact our customer department.
What is the cost of appearing in the comparator?
One of the great advantages of working with Cofune is that you will not have to pay any fee, nor monthly nor yearly. We only charge a small fee for dispatched service. That is, you pay nothing until you get in touch with a client who has requested the service and the service has been rendered.
Is my privacy going to be respected as a funeral company?
Yes, in any case the name of the funeral company will appear in the comparator. Only when a customer requests a service and we get in touch with him you will know which funeral company will perform the service.
Can I adjust prices far below the market price to get more contracting services?
You can adjust your prices, but within reasonable limits on the average price of the province where you will provide your services. However, you can achieve competitive advantages offering services of higher quality than the competition and trying to get the best ratings from users who have already hired your services.
Can I serve in more than one city?
Yes, every funeral company establishes its service area according to their possibilities. You can serve both in a small town, and one or more provinces or even in the whole country.
How will I be notified when a user requests a service offered by my funeral company?
At the moment when a client requests a service, our system will send you an email and a phone call to the mobile associated to your company. In addition, if desired, the same phone call can also be sent to a second mobile number.
For any questions or suggestions, please contact our customer service department.